Ahaahhahahah Aaaaaaaaahhaha Its cook Dad Yyooooh aaahhhM Ooooh mpenziii Umejawa usafi huna bayaa Eeeh Nimepatia sijakoseaa eeeeh JAmanii this girls.she is ON fire oooh firee Haki ya MUNGU sito retire Umenyimwa hata tabia mbaya Umenyimwa paka figure mbaya Umenyimwa paka sura mbaya Eeeh mbaya girl you oN fire *2 NApend ukidens slwly N hatar Ukidens slwly ni.hatar ohhhh fire *2 Girl yuaaaaaaaaaaaaaah fire Girl fireeee Oooooh Tell me wht you see When you look.at me Menakupendag unanipendag Ooh she your love is Real Utakavyo nita tiii Kwako i believe Dunia yangu umeitawala kwingine spoo Ikiwa mapenz karata kwako nimelamba kopa Nakupenda paka naogopaa usijeondoka Wanipatiabfaraja HAYA Mmaemnz barak dunia nzima.umenipenda meeee Sio.simpo Umenyimwa hata tabia mbaya alikiba on fire lyrics
Hi, my name is pinchex and I'm the person behind this blog. I started this blog because I'm passionate about blog and I want to share my knowledge and experiences with others.
I'm originally from Kenya but I currently reside in los angeles. When I'm not writing blog posts, I enjoy playing soccer
My goal with this blog is to help young writers . I believe that this blog will help you.
When it comes to my writing style, I believe in that
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please don't hesitate to reach out to me a Pcisco88@gmail.com]. I appreciate your support and look forward to connecting with you.
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